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Multipurpose Discord Bot - Your Personal Sidekick



The state of the art scrims manager allows for users to join and leave scrims with ease. In addition, a fair shuffling function (Fisher Yates Algorithm) evens up the teams if needed. An online, cross-server, scrims system is out now!


GigaSmurf provides a live database storage system for users to add/delete movies to the viewed/unviewed list and provides a movie poll to settle disputes between what movies to watch.

LoL Ingame Info

Live game information of a currently playing LoL summoner.

Prefix -

ignore Tells GigaSmurf to ignore the invalid commands
hello Says hello to you
ping Tests my speed
poll <{time}m or {time}s> Creates a yes/no poll for {time} minutes or seconds
timeout @username <{time}m or {time}s> Puts a user in timeout for {time} minutes or seconds. *mute role needed
weather {some place on earth} Displays the weather condition of a specified place
League of Legends
lol {summoner name} Searches a LoL player
live {summoner name}#{tag} Displays the Live Game Info of a LoL player
champions {page number} Displays a list of champions (3 pages)
champion {name} Details champion information
runes {champion} Displays the champion's runes
build {champion} Displays the champion's build
skills {champion} Displays the champion's skills
motivation SOLOQUE motivation
scrims {game name} Initiates {game name} Scrims
join Puts you into the scrims
join @username Puts @username into the scrims
remove Removes you from the scrims
remove @username Removes @username from the scrims
players Shows how many players are in the scrims
teams Shows the scrims lineup
shuffle Shuffles up the scrims lineup using the most fair shuffle algorithm, Fisher Yates.
scrimsclear Resets the scrims
win {team #(1 or 2)} Gives the win to the winning team and gives them elo
create {match roomname} Creates an online scrims match
match {@username1 @username2...list of players} {match roomname} Adds the team to the scrims match
show {match roomname} Shows the scrims match teams for a specified match
win {team #(1 or 2)} {match roomname} Gives elo to the winning team and closes the match room
openinglist Shows the list of openings I have available
opening {opening name/keywords} Shows the opening in detail
add {movie} Adds a movie to the unviewed list
delete {movie} Deletes a movie from the unviewed list
unviewed Displays the unviewed list
viewed Displays the viewed list
watch {movie} Moves the movie watched from the unviewed list to the viewed list
viewdelete {movie} Deletes a movie from the viewed list
moviepoll <{time}m or {time}s> Creates a poll from the unviewed list (top 10) for a certain amount of time
help Sends you a list of commands
helphere Sends the channel a list of commands
link Invite me to your server!
website Sends a link to the GigaSmurf website

Contact GigaSmurf

Feel free to give any tips or advice.